1.) What is your first and last name?
tammy patnode
2.) What is your height and weight?
5 ft 1 contest 110..hope to be closer to 115 next season.
3.) What state do you currently reside in?
New York
4.) What is your profession?
I'im a hairstylist for 18 years, own my own salon for 12 years.
5.) How did you get started into lifting weights and bodybuilding?
i picked up a muscle and fitness in 1992 and the rest is history! I was always active, weight was always a struggle for me.
6.) Were you athletic growing up?
not really
7.) What other sports have you done or are currently doing?
i was a runner, competing in 5k 10k and 1/2 marathons.
9.) What are your bodybuilding goals?
the get my IFBB pro card
10.) In your opinion, what is your best bodypart?
i get the most compliments on my legs and calves.
11.) Do you enjoy performing onstage (bodybuilding routine)?
I like my mandatories, but the routine is always never racking for me.
12.) Tell us what a typical day is like your you.
I wake up at 5:15 eat breakfast, then head to the gym for my training and cardio. I come home, prep food for the day, check email, then head to work til 6 pm then head back to the gym to teach class. spend the evening with my husband and 2 dogs watching whatever we have on tivo. Im usually in bed by 830-9 tops!
13.) Do you like to show off your muscles when out in public or do you cover up?
Living in the north east, I cant show them off to often..we have long winters up here! but when i can I love to!
14.) What kind of car do you drive?
2007 red jeep grand cherokee loredo limited
What kind of stuff would we find in the backseat of your car?
training gloves and straps, training journal, tupper ware and alot of dog hair!
What sports do you watch?
none..only bodybuilding!
17.) Favorite movie actor?
Al pacino.
18.) Do you have childhood trinket that you still keep?
Mmy cabbage patch kid!
19.) Person you would like to meet? (living or dead)
My biological family, Im adopted
20.) Have you ever broken the law? If so, what did you do?
speeding~Im inpatient and always in a hurry!
21.) Do you have a website?
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