Tamara Carousos has lost more than 50 lbs. and is now on the cusp of a budding fitness career - physically, a big change from where she was just a few years ago.
"I competed and won my class in MaxMuscle's MaxFormation contest in December of 2000. This was a turning point in my life and I knew I wanted to help others to achieve their fitness goals. I started competing in bodybuilding and switched over to figure, because I felt it suited my body type better. I love competing and am planning on going to Nationals next year! I also train others now on their journey towards a healthier lifestyle," Carousos says.
The 39-year-old has also trainder her 72-year-old mother and she also won her class with the MaxFormation. That proves that at any age, you can do what you set your mind to, a point that Carousos emphasizes when speaking to people.
"I am so proud of what she has accomplished and I always use her as my example for people who are training with me!"
Carousos has been training a growing number of people, and her primary goal is to continue to help others, especially children, to achieve their dreams. She's doing that through her website (see links below), her book and training seminars.
"By competing in figure, I am also showing women of all ages that it is never too late to look and feel your best! I also want to continue my martial arts to obtain my black belt status. I am currently modeling for CFW Enterprises which publishes four different martial arts magazines. I want to show that women can be strong and yet feminine at the same time!"
By looking at Carousos you can see that she is a perfect example of a woman who's strong and feminine, and she's been inspired by another who fits that description to a "T" and is making a comeback to the competitive stage - Monica Brant.
"I clipped out a picture of Monica and put it on my refrigerator to help me to visualize what I wanted to look like. I am honored to say that Monica is now my friend and has my site listed as one of her favorites on hers! She has given me great advice along with my mother to never give up and strive to be the very best I can be! I am truly blessed to have such great people in my life. Other professionals who have helped me immensely are Laura Mak, Jenny Hendershott, Dina Al-Sabah, Monica Chang and Jay Cutler!"
Although Carousos has received a lot of help from some great folks, she makes sure to always be open to helping others out as well.
"I work at a lot of trade shows and I love it when people approach me to ask me questions about what I do and how I got here! I also love competing and answering my emails! When someone writes me and I may not be having as good of a day, their words put everything into perspective! Also, training others and seeing their results is the most rewarding experience," Carousos adds.
For those who are considering a fitness lifestyle or competition, Carousos has a few words: "Always write down your goals, and visualize your success! Surround yourself with positive people who support your efforts, whatever they are! You will automatically draw into your life those people which will help you towards your goals! And you will learn from those that are not quite at that mental level yet also! You need both types for balance in your life!"
Great words from a great woman.
Update: Tamara is staying busy - she just got hired to be the guest speaker at the Sacramento Fitness Expo on January 4th at the Sacramento Convention Center (contact Noel Calvillo for more info). Congratulations Tamara!
For more on Tamara:
Online: http://www.tamaracarousos.com
E-mail: tamara@tamaracarousos.com
Tamara is also available for guest appearances and seminars on training, motivation and nutrition.