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Heather Ireland - female muscle - genex magazine profile

Heather Ireland

August 6 , 2008 - by gene x hwang

Heather Ireland
What is your name? 
Heather Ireland, DC, CSCS

What is your height and weight?
5'3", 106-110 lbs. depending on what day it is...

Where do you currently reside?
an Mateo, CA

What is your profession?
Chiropractor and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

How did you get started into lifting weights and bodybuilding?
I asked my parents for a weight bench for Christmas when I was in junior high.  I'm sort of a kitten so I figured if I look like a lion I would never get smashed.  That didn't work but, the weight training stuck!

 I was not athletic at all growing up, always picked last for dodge ball.  I wish now that I had been into sports in high school, I feel like I missed  out on team sports.  If I could play now I would play baseball, not softball, baseball. 

What other sports have you done or are currently doing? 
By other are you referring to Bodybuilding as a sport? Hmmm...  I don't.  I have competed in Triathlon and road bike racing.  I have also trained in Jiu-jitsu, ran a 5k, and somehow ended up in an Outrigger canoe race, random.  Currently still training with my coaches for bike racing.

 What are your training goals? 
Clearly I'm training for something, I'm just not sure what it is at the moment!  Fitting into tiny size jeans is good enough for now...

In your opinion, what is your best bodypart?
Most would say my legs but, I would say arms - I had to work harder for them.

Do you think you might compete again?
Yes!  In what however, no idea.  We'll see what the universe brings.

Tell us what a typical day is like your you.  
I get up around 7:00am, drink a few shots of espresso, then I'm off to train at the Russian Cycling Gym for some crazy workouts from Vlad. Or I will run stair sprints - about an hour of cardio/day.  Then depending on my patient load for the day, some weight training which consists of light weights, countless reps and weird exercises that I have made up.  If I have time, I swim in the afternoon, cook dinner (usually chicken, fish or red meat) and a huge, huge salad. 

Do you like to show off your muscles when out in public or do you cover up?
I usually have my arms out when I go out.  It's more comfortable to me, not necessarily to show off. 

What kind of stuff would we find in the backseat of your car?
The back of my SUV you can always find a case of water, a couple pairs of running shoes and sometimes my bike.  And cigarette ashes...

What sports do you watch?
I watch baseball, the greatest game of all time.  And MMA, I enjoy grappling, punching and blood.

Heather Ireland

Favorite movie actor/actress?
Jason Statham and Audrey Tautou

Do you have childhood trinket that you still keep?
I have a cat eye marble I found in the yard when I was a kid.   I have no idea how I've managed to hold onto to it all these years!

Person you would like to meet?  (living or dead)
Buddha.  Impossible and possible at once.

Have you ever eaten anything alive?
Eaten anything alive - Mochi!!!  Ok, inside joke there, sorry...  :)

If you'd like to chat about Heather or leave her a message, check out our message boards!

Last updated: June 19, 2008 @ 9:15 a.m. PT
