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Jennifer McVicar

by Gene X Hwang and James Cook

August 2004 - Many competitors complain that they feel "fat" in the off-season and this is usually just a twisted view of what reality would dictate. Although some athletes may in fact gain quite a bit of actual fat, most people use the off-season to add lean muscle mass, and the contest dieted condition is really quite unhealthy and not something that's maintainable.

So that means that the off-season would really be more like the majority of life. And when you look at how curvy and impressive some of the following athletes look, you too may have more appreciation for the off-season....

jennifer mcvicar

After she turned pro, Jennifer McVicar didn't have the best of luck in her placings, but in 2004 she may show everyone the potential of her physique. Working with Chad Nichols and preparing for the GNC Show of Strength, McVicar added lots of size and as seen in the offseason shots above, looks amazing. This wasn't even her full offseason look, but at 150 lbs. and she has got up to 160 lbs.

"I have been taking this off time in order to make sure that all the needed body parts are at their best when I compete again. I am still doing a lot of focusing on my hamstrings, back, and shoulders. I hope to have fuller, denser muscle belly's in my next show. I do credit Chad Nicholls for my wonderful gains, but I also have to give credit to powerlifting. I decide to incorporate some powerlifting movements in my workouts. I feel that I have gotten great benefit from this change and I am very excited to compete again. I just want there to be no question that I have been working very hard at improving my physique." Based on the looks of things so far, there should definitely be no doubt!

gina davis

Gina Davis makes being close to 200 lbs look good, and that's not a number most women want to be associated with. While competing around 150 lbs. at the 2003 NPC Nationals, Gina grew to 192 lbs. this off-season. When she put an off-season gallery on her site, the response was tremendous, and when she posted those same shots on message boards, the feedback was the same - people like the look!

"I have been inundated with emails concerning those photos and the overwhelmingly positive response has been thrilling!" she says.

"I am pretty large right now (185-190# it varies), but not to a sloppy degree. I feel really good and my workouts are phenomenal. I have been working with Howard Huddleston (Sherry Smith/Carri Ledford's trainer from Oklahoma) this year and he has opened my eyes to a lot.

"I used to do zero cardio and eat poorly in the offseason. Not this year! I am hitting cardio four times a week and eating cleaner. All things considered, I should be ready to roll when my prep time starts in August. The judges told me to get harder/tighter...well, with Howard guiding me, I have no choice..the guy knows his stuff!"

lori schelling

There might not be that many well known bodybuilders from Montana, but Lori Schelling is a former Emerald Cup champion and was in attendance again this year, but didn't get back on stage to defend her title. She claimed to be off-season although from the looks of things, it's hard to consider this an off-season look. Either way, she definitely makes muscles look good!

jody wald

Canadian Jody Wald competed as a middleweight at the 2003 Canadian Nationals and like many athletes at the National level, decided to focus on her country's top contest to gun for her pro card. This past off-season, Wald went up to 165 lbs.

"I was able to put on a great deal of Lean Muscle Mass - another 15 lbs. So my off-season weight was at about 165lbs. but I will be coming in as a top end middleweight at approximately 122 - 123 lbs. for the upcoming competition," she says. From this photo of her back, we can see she's certainly added some nice size and curves!

dena westerfield

One other lady to watch out for at the 2004 Nationals coming this November is Dena Westerfield: "I've been busting my butt in the gym" she says,"and I definitely like to lift heavy, so preparing for the Nationals is serious business to me." We can't wait, Dena!

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female muscle, shawna walker, larissa reis, michelle jin, wrestling, tracey toth, kira neuman, female bodybuilding, cindy phillips, britt miller, casey daugherty, lyris capelle, jill brooks, olga guryev, olga guryeva, kristy hawkins, cheryl faust, lindsey cope, lindsay cope, veronica miller