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Jayme Appleman - Physique Competitor
Jayme Appleman Physique athlete - genex magazine Jayme Appleman curling her biceps
What is your first and last name?
Jayme Appleman
What is your height and weight?
5'6" off season 145 lbs competition weight 135  lbs
How old are you?
Where do you currently reside?
Gahanna, Ohio (suburb of Columbus) GO BUCKS!!
What is your profession?
I do in-home daycare so I can raise and home-school my two children. I am also a wellness coach and independent distributor for Herbalife.
How did you get started into lifting weights and training?
I started lifting my senior year of high school. I got a job at the YMCA daycare center and it allowed me to use the entire facility for free! So, I started pushing weight and taking the kickboxing class...I was hooked!
Were you athletic growing up?  What other sports have you done or are currently doing?
I have always been athletic! I grew up with a father who was a basketball player, softball player and a swimmer. He coached me as I played softball for six years. I was also a gymnast for four yrs and ran track in middle school. I look forward to starting a cross-fit program. That is one challenging workout I want to conquer!  
What are your goals in competition?
My goal is to always hit the stage at the absolute best my body can be, and in that, winning my pro card in women's physique! I set goals between each competition and so far I have met everyone of them! Coming home with my pro card still remains my #1 goal!
In your opinion, what is your best bodypart?
My bread and butter is my back!
Do you enjoy being strong?  Why?
I LOVE being strong! It is a sense of accomplishment and achievement! My body is truly my temple and the older I get the more I realize the importance of taking excellent care of myself, inside and out!
Do you enjoy performing onstage?
I do! I didn't think I would at first because I am not the type that likes to be the center of attention, but showcasing my hard work in front of the judges and the crowd amps me up! I know I look phenomenal by the time I hit the stage, so performing is the fun reward!
Why do you love lifting weights?
It is a HUGE stress relief and feeling the heavy weight in my hands or on my body is a powerful moment in my mind. I have a family history of Muscular Dystrophy (MD), which has taken the life of my mom and several other family members. MD is a muscle deteriorating illness and although I do not have signs of it, I refuse to allow it affect my body and my life! Pushing heavy weight and breaking records not only builds my muscle, but it is also mental therapy that I am strong and will continue to get stronger. I could not perform as well as I do in the gym without my husband...he is my number one supporter and the voice of strength when I have weak moments, which do happen!   
Tell us what a typical day is like your you.
My days start at about 6 a.m. My son, who is four, is an early riser so we always eat breakfast together. He has his bowl of fruit and egg whites and I have my cream of wheat and egg has become a ritual! I have several children arrive early in the morning that I take care of during the day, along with my two. The majority of my time is focused on educating my children. I have a master's degree in education so homeschooling is important to me and my husband. During nap time - and thankfully all the kids I have still nap - I catch up on my social networking and do our dinner meal prep. About 5:30 p.m. each night is when we head to the gym. Lifting with my husband is one of the highlights to my day! I am very blessed that my training partner is my biggest supporter! We spend about an hour in the gym and once we get home, our time is focused on dinner and our night time routine. Bed time comes early in our house!
What misconception about physique athletes/muscular women would you like to dispel?
The only misconception that comes to mind is people thinking that having a physique like I do and like other physique competitors do is easy! There are daily struggles in maintaining a physique that competitors work so hard to achieve. The diet has to be on point, consistently, as well as training. I think it's the consistency a lot of people fail to understand. Doing anything for a few days or one week straight may not be that challenging, but staying consistent for several weeks or several months is where the dedication is going to be tested. Only those who want it bad enough can stay focused until their goal is reached.
Favorite movie actor/actress?
It is hard to name just one and these are not in any specific order...Edward Norton, Mel Gibson, Adam Sandler, Morgan Freeman, Anna Faris, Gerard Butler, Bernie Mac, Eddie Murphy...It was difficult to just list them! I love movies and narrowing a favorite is not easy!
Person you would like to meet?  (living or dead)
I would love to meet Dana Linn Bailey! She is my inspiration! I appreciate and admire her hard work and sacrifice!
Anything else we should know about you?
I LOVE dark chocolate!!! It's my weakness! I could live off dark chocolate and crunchy almond butter :) I hate being cold! Standing on stage in a suit during the winter months in a building where the air conditioning is on tends to be a little brutal haha!! I have the uncanny ability to eat food that doesn't necessarily taste the best to achieve and maintain the look I have, hence, I am driven and focused to stay in the best shape of my life and continue to stay in the best shape of my life as my body ages and changes! I compete and diet for ME! When I eat my clean meal, it's because I want the look that food will give my body. When I walk into the gym to conquer my workout, it's because I have a goal to meet and beat! When I step on stage to compete for 1st place and a possibly a pro card, it's because I want it! When I look in the mirror I want to like what I see and I can honestly say I love what I see :) 

Photos courtesy of Jayme Appleman.  Photographer: Amir Marandi

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female muscle, shawna walker, larissa reis, michelle jin, wrestling, tracey toth, kira neuman, female bodybuilding, cindy phillips, britt miller, casey daugherty, lyris capelle, jill brooks, olga guryev, olga guryeva, kristy hawkins, cheryl faust, lindsey cope, lindsay cope, veronica miller