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Holly Chambliss
Holly Chambliss female bodybuilder

April 5, 2011

What is your first and last name?Holly Chambliss female bodybuilder
 What is your first and last name? Holly Chambliss
What is your height and weight?
5'5" and 138 lbs.
How old are you?
Where do you currently reside?
Fort Worth, TX
What is your profession?
Personal trainer, contest prep coach
How did you get started into lifting weights and training?
I was an athlete and ballerina growing up so I was always very fit. I starting lifting weights and training after my three children were born. I went to the gym for some me time. I met Herman Steele and we started my bodybuilding adventure.
Were you athletic growing up?  What other sports have you done or are you currently doing?
I was very athletic growing up. I played all sports including soccer and softball as an adult. I went to college on a dance scholorship and was on the performance dance team.
What are your goals in bodybuilding?
To perfect my physique, and have a beautiful muscular look all around. To appeal to the top athletes and the fit public as well.
In your opinion, what is your best bodypart?
I get many compliments and comments on my shoulders. People seem to like the broad round look they have.
Do you enjoy being strong?  Why?
I have always been strong for a female. I am a hard worker at home and in the gym. Being strong gives me the "no boundries" feeling.
Do you enjoy performing onstage?
I started on stage when I was five in ballet. Only for a short time during pregnancies was I off stage. It is a very big part of me. I love it.
Why do you love lifting weights?
I love lifting because you can improve and change your body to be any way you want. I love feeling firm and sexy. It is so good for your bones, muscles and all around general health.
Holly Chamblis on http://www.ftvideo.comTell us what a typical day is like your you.
I am an early riser. I have breakfast at 6:00 then I make the kids a healthy lunch. I wake the kids up for school and get them ready, drive them to track, football, choir or soccer depending on what season it may be. Go home run with my dog and then I am off to the gym so I can get home before the school bus arrives with the girls.
Do you like to show off your muscles when out in public or do you cover up?
I am not ashamed of my muscles so I dress according to the activities planned. I do, however, make sure to be covered if I am in a hurry at the store so I don't have to give out training tips.
What misconception about bodybuilding would you like to dispell?
You don't have to get so big in the off-season to make gains. I like looking good every day not just one day a year.
What kind of stuff would we find in the backseat of your car?
Soccer ball, football cleats, crochet hook and yarn, iPods and most likely an empty Gatorade bottle. My gym bag has to be in the trunk, no room for my stuff in the car.
Favorite movie actor/actress?
Two Mules for Sister Sarah for movie and Clint Eastwood is my favorite actor because he is so cool yet well rounded.
Person you would like to meet?
(living or dead)
Ronald Reagon - he has class. 
Anything else we should know about you?
My children are everything to me. They inspire me every day to be better and be the best I can be.

Last updated: March 29, 2011 @ 11:00 a.m. PT

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female muscle, shawna walker, larissa reis, michelle jin, wrestling, tracey toth, kira neuman, female bodybuilding, cindy phillips, britt miller, casey daugherty, lyris capelle, jill brooks, olga guryev, olga guryeva, kristy hawkins, cheryl faust, lindsey cope, lindsay cope, veronica miller