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Brenda Smith

by Gene X Hwang

Brenda Smith shows off her impressive bicepsJuly 2004 - At the 2004 Jr Nationals, Brenda Smith made her impression on everyone for a variety of reasons. First and foremost was her incredible physique including the best calves of the entire competition, and then there was the fact that she missed finals because she had to be rushed to the hospital and given three IVs of fluid. The brave Smith even tried to get back on stage for finals but couldn't quite make it. Considering all she had just been through, it was an appropriate example of her determination, but for anyone that knows Smith, they wouldn't have been surprised.

Brenda Smith started lifting weights for gymnastics and then got into powerlifting from that.

"I lifted from age 16 until I was 21 (when I was pregnant with Ash) as a 114 pounder and still hold the college bench record. At that time women's bodybuilding was just getting some coverage. I was drawn more to the body types of Laura Combes, Kay Baxter, and Bev Francis," she explains.

Looking at Smith now, you see a thickly muscled woman with lots of dense, mature muscle and it's because of that early start that she had.

"I competed in my first bodybuilding show when Ash was a couple months old, and dropped from 105 to 88 lbs. for the show," she says with a laugh.

" I have been in about 30 shows at the amateur level, but took off about 12 years during that time from active bodybuilding competition to box and continue to do some powerlifting."

Yep, you heard right, Smith is also a competitive boxer and has a 2-1 record against men whom she fights only (no women). She also does some kickboxing as well!

"I like to fight on the inside because I'm strong and have a right cross that will knock a head off. I have kickboxed and done bare fist fighting and have thrown down in public on more then one occassion," she says smiling mischeviously, "I have stopped that in the past several years though!"

Incredible back muscularity and  Brenda Smith's calvesBack to bodybuilding, Smith competed in the Southern Classic in 1992 and took 2nd as a lightweight, coming in at 112 lbs. down from from 120.

"Then my next show was again the Southern Classic in 2003. I took the lightweight class and the overall. I weighed 117.5 for that show and was up to 136 before. I did the Louisiana state show a couple times and placed 2nd and 3rd and this made my decision to try to step up. I was told of all things I was getting too hard!!! Funny huh?"

Although we didn't see how Smith looked, we're pretty certain she was dialed in and extremely tight based on what she brought to Chicago for Junior Nationals.

"For that show I trained with pro bodybuilder Skye Ryland who has been such a tremendous help and inspiration - she rocks to say the least. My offseason weight is about 152 lbs. and I'm 5 feet tall. I have plans for the future to go on up to the light heavy class," she said.

"I think for the Juniors I shouldn't have cut my water as soon and definitely should have listened to what had worked in the past. I usually eat a lot of junk, and steer clear of clean food for carb up. This time I took others advice for the show and carbed up clean and on rice and potatoes. My potassium shot through the roof, and or course there you have it - NVD- not good for competition.

"I stay below 12% all year and try to maintain about 10% bodyfat. I like to compete between 6-7% and do hydrostatic weights at intervals to keep me there for the show.
At my age in bodybuilding, I have plans to enjoy the shows, do whatever for photos and things, and make it as fun as I can. I don't ever think really in terms of it as a career," she says.

Brenda Smith's huge arms"It makes me laugh to think people really want to look at me - you gotta laugh at your self in life. My profession is an RN and I have been working as a forensic nurse examiner for the past eight doing CSI stuff like rape examinations, death investigation etc. I put myself through nursing school by being a private fitness trainer and of all things a firefighter. So, no wilting southern magnolia here," she says with a big smile that compliments her huge blue eyes so well.

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female muscle, shawna walker, larissa reis, michelle jin, wrestling, tracey toth, kira neuman, female bodybuilding, cindy phillips, britt miller, casey daugherty, lyris capelle, jill brooks, olga guryev, olga guryeva, kristy hawkins, cheryl faust, lindsey cope, lindsay cope, veronica miller