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2008 Olympia Weekend
2008 Olympia

September 26, 2008 - by gene x hwang

Las Vegas, NV, USA - Check out our message boards to discuss and follow the weekend live, post your thoughts and chat with the athletes!  Read Steve Wennerstrom's excellent report on the show on MD!

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Ms. Olympia

1) Iris Kyle
2) Betty Adkins
3) Yaxeni Oriquen
Lisa Aukland
5) Dayana Cadeau
6) Cathy Lefrancois
7) Betty Pariso
8) Mah-Ann Mendoza
9) Jeannie Paparone
10) Jennifer Sedia
11) Nicole Ball
12) Brenda Raganot
13) Debbie Bramwell
14) Heather Armbrust
15) Rosemary Jennings
16) Sherrie Smith
17) Klaudia Larson

Fitness Olympia

1) Jen Hendershott
2) Tracey Greenwood
3) Kim Scheidler
4) Julie Palmer
5) Tanji Johnson
6) Regiana Da Silva

Figure Olympia

1) Jennifer Gates
2) Gina Aliotti
3) Zivile Raudoniene
4) Jenny Lynn
5) Mary Elizabeth Lado
6) Sonia Adcock

Last updated: September 27, 2008 @ 9:32 p.m. PT






















































































































































































































































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