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2004 Ironman Pro and NPC Figure Contest Report/Results
Results for 2004 Ironman Pro NPC Figure

(competitor number follows name)

Abby Duncan

1. Abby Duncan (36)
2. Tracy Macdonald (44)
3. Moorea Wolfe (35)

Lisa Johnson (22)
Elizabeth Barron (29)
Adrianne Pelt (30)
Elaine Seth (32)
Elizabeth Madoyan (33)
Brandy Nerney (34)
Patty Cottrell (40)
Angie Fernwault (50)

1. Marcy Porter (60)
2. Lorrie Henry (66)
3. Karla Ray (24)

Tina Graeff (20)
Tanisha Harrison (55)
Venus Ramos (56)
Lina Ekland (58)
Denise Cadenas (59)
Nancy Hirsch (68)
Tanya Peale (77)
Sunshine Fritzges (78)

1. Michelle Troll (79)
2. Kathleen Johansson (80)
3. Alexis Ellis (98)

Michelle Wauro (25)
Erica White (27)
Kerstin Khalfani (82)
Vanessa Cordova (85)
Jessica Hatch (88)
Mary Jo Cooke (97)

1. karla Ray (24)
2. Michelle Wauro (25)
3. Erica White (27)

Tina Graeff (20)
Lisa Johnson (22)
Patsy Marshall (23)


























































































































































































































































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