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2003 Fitness Universe and Bikini Universe Report
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Ms Bikini Universe/Fitness Universe


Ms. Bikini Universe
Once again we got to see how the Interview Round can change the outcome. After the Sportswear and Swimsuit Round Scores were combined we saw Tina and Sylvia Tremblay in 1st and 2nd place respectively. Next was Jessica Hatch in 3rd, followed by Shima & Lori in 5th. It may be only 20% in the Interview Round but when things are close like they were between 3rd-5th place, it makes all the difference in the world!

That one last grasp to hear a girl's personality, speaking ability and sincerity on stage and how composed she is during this round can make or break you, so practice, practice, practice speaking in front of others - not to say you should Memorize answers, anything too well rehearsed doesn't come across as being very sincere sometimes, but just a little "food for thought".

Tina won the interview round and it kept her at the #1 spot, but Lori Colognesi and Sylvia tied for 2nd with Shima Carter only a .2 of a point behind them andJessica took 5th in this round. The results were flipped around a bit from after the 2 previous rounds and you'll see at the bottom of this section the Results. I just thought it was interesting in both fitness and bikini shows that the Interview played a big role in the final placement of competitors. It just goes to show how important this portion of the contest can be.

If you were a competitor, I do have most all of the scores copied down in my notebook so email me with your name and competitor number if you'd like your scores.

Special thanks to Eric Freimanis for the photos accompanying this report.

Eric is one of the top photographers in the industry and his work has graced the pages of MuscleMag International, Oxygen, Natural Muscle and more. See more of his work at his web site:


Fitness Universe

1) Sherri McCall
2) Andi Martin
3) Allison Ethier
4) Tina Rigdon
5) Gina Oakes
6) Linda Okwor

Miss Bikini America

1) Tina Rigdon
2) Sylvia Tremblay
3) Shima Carter
4) Lori Colognesi
5) Jessica Hatch

Last updated: 6/24/2003 @ 1:36 p.m. PT






















































































































































































































































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