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shawna walker, larissa reis, michelle jin, wrestling, tracey toth, kira neuman, female bodybuilding, cindy phillips, britt miller, casey daugherty, lyris capelle, jill brooks, olga guryev, olga guryeva, kristy hawkins, cheryl faust, lindsey cope, lindsay cope, veronica miller

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Lisa profile - female bodybuilder champion buff genex magazine
By  Rashone Person - November 2007

Lisa Persons loses 60 lbs.Lisa started training for her first Figure Competition in March at a weight of 170 lbs. She decided to do it to get healthy and get rid of all the baby weight she was carrying from being on bed-rest for three months and on top of that having a C-section. After her second baby Lisa was 190 lbs. in August of 2006.

Lisa is now an astonishing 116 lbs. for her first two figure shows. She went from just wanting to get on stage to becoming a serious contender. There have been a few  publications that are talking to her about doing a story on her.

Lisa has been such an inspiration just because she has been through so much in the last five years. Lisa has a child that was born four months premature and this child has had over 25 surgeries and procedures, and almost died on Christmas day 2001.  To this day we still have nurses in our house for 16 hours a day. This is to ensure Kayla's health and safety.

During this past five years Lisa would train but never consistently work out. 

Last February Lisa put her foot down and decided if she wanted to live long and have a productive life she was going to have to lose the weight. 

The only way she was going to be motivated is if she had to get onstage half naked in front of 1000 people so she decided to do a National qualifier - the Golds Classic in New Jersey. 

As of now Lisa has competed at the Golds Classic and East Coast Bodybuilding and Figure Championships where she qualified as a National Level competitor. She is going on to do Arnold Schwarzernegger's amatuer show in Feb (this is one of, if not the biggest, bodybuilding/fitness shows in the world).

She trains like no one I have ever seen train. She does 45 minutes of cardio in the morning and goes back to the gym at 4:30 p.m. and lifts 188 reps in a row (dumbbells) at 80% of her max. full body. She gets a 90 second break and then is back at it two more times, then another 30-45 minutes of cardio. 

Lisa Persons beforeLisa PersonsThis is a very strong woman, so when I say at 80%, an example is 35-40 lb. dumbbells doing squatted shoulder presses for 18 reps. I've actually seen her do a drop set with 500lbs on the leg press for 40 reps.  She dropped to two plates - crazy!

I just hope you get a chance to check out her progress I believe you will enjoy it because Lisa is truly an inspiration to many.  We just got news that she may be one of the next transformations of the week winners. MHP a huge nutrition company is interested in putting Lisa in some transformation ads and a commercial. 

Here is a link to a Youtube before and after slide show of Lisa:

Discuss Lisa on our message board thread here!
