shawna walker, larissa reis, michelle jin, wrestling, tracey toth, kira neuman, female bodybuilding, cindy phillips, britt miller, casey daugherty, lyris capelle, jill brooks, olga guryev, olga guryeva, kristy hawkins, cheryl faust, lindsey cope, lindsay cope, veronica miller
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GeneX Online Magazine
shawna walker, larissa reis, michelle jin, wrestling, tracey toth, kira neuman, female bodybuilding, cindy phillips, britt miller, casey daugherty, lyris capelle, jill brooks, olga guryev, olga guryeva, kristy hawkins, cheryl faust, lindsey cope, lindsay cope, veronica miller

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2004 genex Magazine Awards






2004 came to a close and saw the final NOC which went out on maybe more of a whimper than an exclamation point, but from there things looked up.

It was a good year for youthful bodybuilders as 2004 saw some of the most impressive young athletes taking the stage from teens and collegiate athletes - many of whom were the top contenders at their respective competitions. Athletes like Kim Kilper, Cindy Phillips and Moorea Wolfe all have promising futures.

It was also the breakout year for the Light Heavyweight class which was perhaps the toughest class at most every competition and also home to the largest percentage of overall winners. Not bad for the first year back; we look forward to the numerous tough LHWs that may not have won their class or turned pro to be back and making it once again the toughest class to compete in 2005.

Now on to the awards!



Best Overall
(our way of granting a pro card)

Gina Davis

Gina Davis. Gina will make a great pro and she has a very strong base of fans who will want to see her at the pro level. Go Gina!

Best Lower Body (FBB)

Brenda Smith (left), Andrea Gahan. Brenda on the strength of her outstanding calves and Andrea on overall fullness and shape.

Best Lower Body (Fitness/Figure)

Amber Guidotti quads!

Amber Guidotti - the picture speaks for itself!

Best Upper Body 

Elena Seiple double bicepsPam Howard

Elena Seiple (left), Pamela Howard - Elena showed up at Nationals with her incredibly thick upper body as did Pam at Canadian Nationals. Both were so impressive we had to pick two.

Best Figure Competitor 

Laurie Noack Gibson

Laurie Gibson - anyone who saw her at the 2004 NPC JR USAs would agree this woman should have placed higher and we hope to see her on the stage again - impressive!

Best Fitness Competitor

Amanda Swallow 

Amanda Swallow - she comes in hard, with amazing routines, and while her genetics may hold her back a bit, she's one of our favorites

Best FBB Newcomer 

Leighsa Bailey photo

Leighsa Bailey - class, beauty, muscularity - this woman is what female bodybuilding is all about!

Most Improved 

Nadia NardiChristine Moore

Nadia Nardi, Christine Moore - Nadia brought it to the Canadians after a strong showing in 2003 and Christine filled out the rest of her physique and came in ripped - watch out for both in 2005 - they just might both turn pro!

Best Overall

Lisa Aukland 

Lisa Auckland - Lisa's been improving each year and this year was her best ever with solid showings including her awesome showing at the GNC.

Best Upper Body 

Sophie Duquette flexes

Sophie Duquette - bringing an impressive balanced physique to the Arnold, Sophie impressed up with the size and thickness she put on

Best Lower Body 

Louise St Pierre's calves

Louise St. Pierre - her calves, quads and overall balance helped earn her her pro card and deservedly so!

Best Fitness Pro 

Debbie Czempinski flexes

Debbie Czempinksi - with one of the tightest physiques with nice full muscularity and amazing acrobatic routines, Debbie is the real deal.

Best Figure Pro 

Lorena Cossa - muscular!

Lorena Cozza - she was too buffed out for many judges, but we love her look, and appreciate the figure athletes of Lorena's style like Kim Becker as well.
Rising Stars (in alphabetical order)
Kim Kilpers awesome armsKrissy Murrell flexing her bicep
Cindy Phillips bicepsKristi WIlls flexing
Pamela York

Kim Kilper, Krissy Murrell, Cindy Phillips, Kristy Wills
Pamela York
- these five all have a lot of time to develop their physiques even more so there's a lot to look forward to. Kim's arms wowed people while the balanced physiques that Krissy and Cindy showcase were crowd stoppers. Kristy should turn pro in 2005 and her physique as well as Pamela's are some of the most awesome in the amateur fitness and figure ranks respectively based on our likes.

Misc. Awards

Most 'Peeled' 

Robin Parker - ripped!

Robin Parker - if you saw her at the John Sherman or Nationals, you know what we're talking about - amazing!

Best Outfit Theme 

Amanda Swallow as catwomanAlti Bautista as Cat Woman

We liked the fitness version of 'Catwoman' much better than the limp Hollywood version. A salute to Amanda Swallow(left) and Alti Bautista for making it look the way it's supposed to!

Biggest Rip-off of 2004

Melissa Dettwiller 

This girl (Melissa Dettwiller) didn't get into the top 5 at the Olympia Ms. Muscle Beach? What?!
GeneX Top Picks for 2004

Best Poser 

Debbie Bramwell

Debbie Bramwell - this woman has a strong to physique to work with, and she gets creative with poses and knows how to hold em and show off her amazing physique - a total pro!

Best Outfits 

Melissa Dettwiller

Melissa Dettwiller - a great new face on the scene - this girl loves the camera and can work it!

Most Photogenic (amateur) 

Pia Johnson - I heart Pia

Pia Johnson - my new favorite Norwegian! Well, actually my all time favorite - so great to work with and a totally fun girl too!

Most Photogenic (Pro) 

Christine Roth

Christine Roth - Damn this girl knows how to work it. Pretty much anyone will look like a pro working with Christine!
James Cook Top Picks for 2004

Best Poser 

Annie Rivieccio

This was the first time I worked with Annie Rivieccio and what a joy she was! You just hit the 'record' button and watch her go to work. Creative and fun, she has so much muscle to make every pose look good. Annie Rules!!

Best Outfits 

Zhana Rotar

Zhanna Rotar Came prepared to the show with the right outfits and looked great in them all. A true professional to work with!

Most Photogenic (amateur) 

Letitia Action Jackson

This was a rare moment when I got to work with a competitor right before the show. Despite the blistering Las Vegas summer heat, Laticia Jackson was radiant before her show at the USA Championships.

Most Photogenic (Pro) 

Debbie Leung

When doing the live WWC shows, there are a million technical things that can go wrong. You just hope disaster doent strike. But then Deb Leung comes on camera and everything is OK.

Congratuations to all the winners. Please feel free to place this logo on your website and link to this page.
