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shawna walker, larissa reis, michelle jin, wrestling, tracey toth, kira neuman, female bodybuilding, cindy phillips, britt miller, casey daugherty, lyris capelle, jill brooks, olga guryev, olga guryeva, kristy hawkins, cheryl faust, lindsey cope, lindsay cope, veronica miller

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Women by Women.

by James Cook


"Women by Women" book party

A recent book available now features the work of internationally know photographers. "Women by Women" is a book of erotic photography by all female photographers. What makes a woman's perspective of the female form unique? I had the opportunity to talk with 3 of the books 40 photographers during a recent book party held here in Los Angeles.



I was invited by my longtime friend, Ivana Ford. Ivana has been photographing nude models for more than 10 years. She was my still photographer for FTV during the early videos (1999-2001). She worked with me shooting stills for The Pauliina Talus video, Carmen Cotter, Valentina Chepiga and Lisa Bavington. Ivana's work is featured in several pages of "Women by Women". The thing that strikes you immediatly about Ivana's photography ( and is a very dark and almost haunting image of the female physique. "She was great to work with!" said Shantelle ( Shantelle is one of the models that is featured in the book and has worked with Ivana on several shoots. "she made me feel very relaxed, And she's so beautiful too!" she laughs.

(From left to right) Ivana Ford, Christine Kessler and Ashley Fontenot

On my video shoots, I remember Ivana as very pleasant to work with also. She was quiet and would observe things very carefully. Capturing what it was like to actually BE with Valentina Chepiga is all about observing. That's where Ivana excelled and that's where I felt she really defined her style. So here lies a partial answer as to what defines the difference between a male perspective of an erotic photo to a womans perspective on an erotic photo. For most photographers, the shot is the 'double bicep' or the 'lat spread'. Basically, a bland "mugshot of muscles". For Ivana, the shot is Valentina in her bikini seated at a counter, smoking a cigarette and waiting for the next video setup. At the time, I was too consumed with the technical aspects of getting the video shot to notice these things, But Ivana was there. Observing. And when I look at these photos nearly 3 years later, I say "yeah, THAT'S how I remember Valentina Chepiga".

Flipping through the pages of "Women by Women" you begin to see the unique perspective women offer to erotic photography. It's like venetian blinds partially open to reveal only what the photographer wants you to see. Ashley Fontenot ( ) is another photographer who attended the party and whose works are featured in the book. "I've always been drawn to the subtle beauty of darker imagery. This coupled with my admiration for beautiful women has opened doors for me creatively. I feel the most satisfaction when I create a beautiful image of a woman.". I chatted with the soft-spoken artist at the party. She's been a photographer for about 3 years and shoots exclusively digital photography. She started shooting amatuer adult stuff and still works in the adult industry, providing content for web sites like Danny's Hard Drive. "There's not a lot of women who do porn photography!" she laughs. But her passion is for "fetish erotica" or "fetish fashion" as it is called. " I like bright colors in my work" she says. "A man will like different parts on a woman. For me, the face is the most important part".

Another photographer I met was Christine Kessler. Christine maintains several of her own members sites. ( , and ) She has a background in traditional photography since 1985 and now shoots exclusively digital. "One third of my members at are women. I don't know much about them really" she says. Her perspective on woman's erotic photography? "Men are focused on genetalia and intercourse. Women's photography has a softer quality" She is now diving into video for her members. "I hate it." she laughs "I want to turn the video camera to the side and shoot lengthwise!" I feel your pain, Christine.

Another photographer from the book, Elisa Lazo DeSantos ( summarizes, "The models discover that working with a woman photographer is quite a different experience than working with a man. They are more relaxed and open, naturally sensual and more prone to laugh and enjoy themselves. There is no undercurrent of sexual tension and the results are wonderful"

Wonderful indeed.



The book is available at and is priced at $27.77. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THE BOOK
