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Natalie Freed profile
Natalie Freed powerlifter photos and videos on FTVideo fbb

August 3 , 2009

What is your first and last name?Natalie Freed on
 Natalie (Natty) Freed

- What is your height and weight?
5" 0' and 110-120, depending on what I have going on

- How old are you?
23 years old

- Wher- Where do you currently reside?
Pittsburgh, PA

- What is your profession?
Director of Web Content (

- How did you get started into lifting weights and training?
I lifted a little in high school for other sports & continued into college since I decided against organized sports. In Sept 04, my neck & lower back were fractured in an accident. When I got back to the gym after finishing physical therapy in Feb 06, I started training for powerlifting and competed for the first time 7 months later. I went home with a WABDL world record deadlift!

- Were you athletic growing up?  What other sports have you done or are currently doing?
Yes - I started with gymnastics and dance & I've ridden horses since I was a kid. For one competition, we ran, swam, and shot in addition to riding. In school, I ran and threw for track & field and was a 4-year starting forward on the soccer team.

-   - What are your goals in powerlifting?
T    To keep challenging myself and to have fun, to meet other lifters and to hopefully come away from the experience with no major injuries!

-      - Have you considered bodybuilding?
No, I'm not sure if I could deal with that kind of diet!

- In your opinion, what is your best bodypart?
Who knows, maybe my upper body.. definitely not my legs.

- Do you enjoy performing onstage?
 For the most part.. not really

- Why do you love lifting weights?
It's a great way to challenge myself and take my mind off daily life & stuff that stresses me out. Lifting reminds me to work hard in order to meet my goals.

- Tell us what a typical day is like your you. 
My schedule changes around from day to day - usually I get up any time from 4 to 6 am. I work for - some days from home, some from the warehouse, and some from my gym (Celli's Fitness Center). I train 3 days a week with Ryan Celli and do cardio on my own time, depending on how I feel. With the time left over, I cook, clean, buy groceries, and hang out with friends & family. Ideally, I get to sleep by 10 - early by most peoples' standards!

- Do you like to show off your muscles when out in public or do you cover up?
I cover up unless it's way too hot.. I'm not really comfortable with people looking at me & I'm usually freezing anyway!

- What kind of stuff would we find in the backseat of your car?
Nothing - but in my trunk right now: my gym bag, a pair of boots, box of .380 ammo, paper towels, some rags, and a blanket from Mexico.

- What sports do you watch?
Nothing really. If I had to pick, I'd watch PBR bull riding or equestrian

- Favorite movie actor/actress?
Either Russell Crowe or Orson Welles

- Do you have childhood trinket that you still keep?
A ring my grandpa made from a spoon

- Person you would like to meet?  (living or dead)
 Another hard question - Hank Williams III, John Mosby, Tom Waits...

- Have you ever eaten anything alive?
Not really, besides random bugs by accident & maybe a worm.

Last updated: Aug. 25, 2009 @ 9:56 a.m. PT

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female muscle, shawna walker, larissa reis, michelle jin, wrestling, tracey toth, kira neuman, female bodybuilding, cindy phillips, britt miller, casey daugherty, lyris capelle, jill brooks, olga guryev, olga guryeva, kristy hawkins, cheryl faust, lindsey cope, lindsay cope, veronica miller