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2002 San Jose Championships Contest Report
2002 NPC San Jose Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure Championships - August 3, 2002 - San Jose, CA, USA

2002 NPC San Jose Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure Championships
by gene x hwang - August 3, 2002

Danielle Ashby San Jose, CA - The 22nd Annual San Jose Bodybuilding Championships had advertised fitness as one of its components, but when all the competitors had registered and the competition was set, there was not a single competitor in the fitness competition, making it just Figure and Bodybuilding.

In total there were seven bodybuilders and nine figure competitors. Figure started things off, and a welcome sight was the return to the competitive stage of Luciana Mendonca. Training with Yolanda Dixon, the two were the first two competitors to step out in the short class. Fans may remember that Mendonca placed second to Kelly Ryan in the 1996 Fitness America Pageant.

However, Mendonca's strong physique was edged out by that of Hannah Park. Dixon placed fifth, while Danielle Ashby took third. Ashby has a very nice back and coming in a tad leaner should improve her placements. Fourth went to Julie Neville.

The tall class was led out by Jennifer Chamberlain. Chamberlain has competed in figure before, but looked a bit uncomfortable on stage. She placed second though to the very impressive physique of Tawnya Alexander who possesses an incredibly tight waistline (much like Melissa Mafioli) and had a lean, balanced presentation along with an impressive back and v-taper.

In third was Tanya Pennington who has great stage presence and just needs to work on her sweep and lines, as she was a tad straight through the midsection. However, standing next to Alexander probably made it seem more exaggerated, as Pennington has a very nice physique overall. Rounding out the class was Carol Durham.

In the bodybuilding competition, there were several masters competitors that also competed in the open division. The overall champion was Barbara Garcia who was also the oldest competitor, and looked very impressive with strong, mature muscle and excellent conditioning. The lightweight class winner, Ann Venenciano had better lines and a better aesthetic package but wasn't lean enough to take the overall title.

Nancy Sims won the Masters 35-39 class with a very tight and lean package and was followed by Mary Fambrini and Kathy Perry. In the open lightweight class which Venenciano easily won, Nancy Sims took second, and Lisa Serrano third. There was only one middleweight competitor, Lonnie Petronelli, and Garcia was the only open heavyweight.

It was interesting to see fitness no even present, and the figure and bodybuilding numbers being very close. While some say that women's bodybuilding is weakening, it's obviously been able to maintain it's momentum, and figure seems to continue to draw away from fitness.

Results: (competitor #s follow rankings)
Women's Bodybuilding

Masters Division (35-39)
1) Nancy Sims #25
2) Mary Fambrini #26
3) Kathy Perry #27

Masters Division (Over 40)
1) Barbara Garcia #29

Open Women

1) Ann Venenciano #60
2) Nancy Sims #25
3) Lisa Serrano #59

1) Lonnie Petronelli #61

1) Barbara Garcia* #29

* Overall Winner

Open Men

1) John Sebastian
2) Duc Huynh
3) Toomey Kelly

1) Bruce Barthelomey
2) Mandeep Singh
3) Muhammad Abdullah

1) Usama Farage*
2) Fred Greer
3) Erick Garcia
4) Taranjit Singh
5) Antonio Fumar
6) Randy Samuels
7) Victor Reyes

1) Jim Reyes
2) John Rigo
3) Ken Tali
4) Kory Pate
5) Jermaine Bernard

Novice Men

1) Erick Garcia
2) Taranjit Singh
3) Bruce Barthelemy
4) Mike Morales
5) Robert Hamilton
6) John Sebastian
7) Duc Huynh
8) Xavier Christy
9) Mandeep Singh
10) Toomey Kelly
11) Jonathan Dinn
12) James Chang

1) Usama Farage
2) Dwight Reynolds
3) Fred Greer
4) Ken Ignagni
5) Ruben Ponce
6) Nich Machado
7) Michael Sausedo

1) Jason Williams
2) Lance Tomlinson
3) John Rigo
4) Jermaine Bernard
5) Brian Jones
6) Mark Sarya
7) Robert Pellegrini

Men's Masters (40-49)
1) Michael Ragone*
2) John Riggins
3) Al Matooka
4) Victor Reyes
5) Mark Sharpa
6) James Dahl

Men's Masters (50-59)
1) Butch Lewis
2) Kim Ailyn

Men's Masters (60-69)
1) Arthur Peacock
2) Robert Pellegrini
3) Paul Stone

* Overall Winner

Women's Figure

Short Class
1) Hannah Park #4
2) Luciana Mendonca #2
3) Danielle Ashby #3
4) Julie Neville #5
5) Yolanda Dixon #1

Tall Class
1) Tawyna Alexander #8
2) Jennifer Chamberlain #7
3) Tanya Pennington #9
4) Carol Durham #10

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© 2002 gene x hwang All Rights Reserved - Last updated 08/05/2002 - 10:02 a.m. PT (-08:00 GMT)






















































































































































































































































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