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January 1, 2006

3rd Annual GeneX Awards - 2005

by the FTV team
2005 was a busy year with another new crop of pros and amateurs gracing the stages and audiences of contests all over the world. We now take a look back at the year and give out our 3rd Annual GENEX MAGAZINE AWARDS. Congrats to everyone who won as well as all the women who lift the iron!

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January 1, 2005

2nd Annual GeneX Awards - 2004

by the FTV team
2004 came to a close and saw the final NOC which went out on maybe more of a whimper than an exclamation point, but from there things looked up.
It was a good year for youthful bodybuilders as 2004 saw some of the most impressive young athletes taking the stage from teens and collegiate athletes - many of whom were the top contenders at their respective competitions. Athletes like Kim Kilper, Cindy Phillips and Moorea Wolfe all have promising futures. It was also the breakout year for the Light Heavyweight class which was perhaps the toughest class at most every...

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January 1, 2004

1st Annual GeneX Awards - 2003

by the FTV team
Well, I know it's a little late in the month, (I've been busy OK? lol) But Gene and
I have been putting our heads together and we came up with our awards for the years best. Now these are catagories that we selected and the winners are based on who we
both felt were the best of the year. For the Pro's it was pretty obvious for us that Helle Neilson was our number one pick. For amatuers, it was way harder as there are
so many terrific new faces. But in bodybuilding, so much is dependant on the genetics you are blessed with...

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shawna walker, michelle jin